Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Catching Up

Now that I have that first blog out of the way, let's get down to it...

Ok, hockey fans, I am excited to say I got to see two out of three winning Mauler's games this last weekend. Friday night was epic, with us going into two overtimes and finally winning 3-2. Saturday's game was good too, but to tell the truth I had a hard time keeping up with it, as the tears were flowing pretty good that night. I missed Sunday's game completely, due to spending time with new friends, but heard we kicked their asses! So, I am bummed to miss this coming weekend's game against the Roughriders in Butte. I wish my Yota was running so I could go watch it...but in all honesty it would be bittersweet for me, since my wonderful husband drives the team and works the games, and it is tough to be around him right now since I am so lovesick without him and all...

As for the upcoming holiday...well, I love Christmas. It reminds me of family being together and of baby Jesus in the manger. Every time I look at my littlest nephew Atigun (baby Gunner), I think of how protective Mary and Joseph must have been of their little one. Ok, I'm not into the commercial aspect of Christmas, as that just pisses me off. I get irked every time I see a Santa Claus or hear kids whining about what they want. I want to punch their parents in the junk for giving in to this 'gimmee' attitude, which only makes bratty kids brattier...

Our family stopped giving gifts a few years ago, and now are happy to simply be together. Presence, not presents. The gift of giving should be shared all year, not just one day a year. To give freely only once a year demeans the celebration of the birth of our salvation. Other than that, I love the tree decorating. That, I can get in to. There is something about having a special ornament to celebrate every year together that makes me nostalgic for family.

It's been hard without my husband here. We have been a family for five years. Not always the best or happiest family, or the easiest to live with, but family none-the-less. We all love one another tremendously, even when we hurt one another. We have shared laughter and tears. We never give up on each other. We make the best of it, spending our time together and trying in vain to make up for his absence. Every single one of us wishes he would, or could, come home. God willing, he might. We will never give up hope.

Now, for my humor of the day:

Dear Pringles,
Now that I am an adult, my hand no longer fits into your tube of deliciousness. Please fix that.

Go ahead...laugh. You know it's funny. Lol.

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