Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm so in love with....Me!

Ah, yes...I am deeply and madly in love...with me. And it is a good thing, for it's always full of joy and laughter at myself. Just this morning is a prime example. Here was Joseph, telling me how cute my ass looked in these jeans, and Bam! I fall flat on my face. Couldn't have been timed better...Classic. I thought I'd throw up from laughing so hard. I'm sure his laughter was just as hard and long as mine. Hopefully, it is just the medicine he needs...

It has been almost three months at my job now, and I have loved every single solitary moment of it. Graveyards and all.  Probably more so because of the weird hours. I get in when most everyone is going to bed, or has already done so. I close up shop, settle in with my paperwork and chores, then fill my time with reading, movies, FB, or some other past time I can't get away with during the day...and the time flies by. Before I know it, it's morning and I am up and out of there three days out of my four before anyone even wakes up. The one day I stay until 10am, I get to hang with my clients for a few hours before they head off to ADT, and then I am free as a bird. I couldn't ask for an easier job and a more pleasant atmosphere to work in. Of course, each client is a unique individual and they each touch my heart in a different way. I look forward to seeing them again each week when I return from my time off. I can't wait to catch up with them and have them tell me of their week's events. I sometimes bring small token gifts, such as a borrowed movie to watch, just to see their faces light up with excitement and wonder. It is a great feeling.

I also had the pleasure of filling out my benefits packet this morning. It was an overwhelming process, my finding out just how well taken care of I am by my organization. The life, disability, health and dental benefits were generous, and the premiums were low enough with the $60 chip in they give me toward I could actually afford to elect for orthodontics on the dental for Danielle to get her teeth fixed. It is more than I could have hope much more. Of course, I will have to pay on top of it, since it is only a 50% match, but even that is awesomely generous compared to not having anything before. I know Dani is stoked.
I was also pleasantly surprised to see so many hours of holiday, paid leave, and sick leave thrown in for good measure. It makes me feel that life certainly knows what it's doing and I should just hush and stay out of it's way while it creates magnificence and wonder for me to behold....surely.
So, I will work diligently at doing just that...until next time......

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